Happy Mother's Day to all my Bloggers Friend...Respect your Mother.
Mother’s Day is observed
on May 14th,
2017 and this day is a special occasion, wherein
the entire world decides to express their never ending love towards their mum.
A mother is every child’s best friend who has a basket full of solutions ready
even before the problem arises. It may be job crisis, exam tension, boyfriend/
girlfriend problems; she is there by your side. The celebration of Mother’s Day
dates back to the ancient era of Greek and Romans. In the modern era, people
like Julia Ward Howe and Anna Jarvis worked hard to make this event a success.
In the ancient
time, Mother’s Day event was wholly dedicated to the goddess – Rhea, wife of
Cronus. People of Greek used to worship the mother of all deities of Greek and
even honoured her. On the other hand, Romans used to celebrate this festival
which was popularly known as Hilaria. The day was dedicated to Cybele, who was
a mother goddess. While, Christians used to celebrate Mother’s Day on the
fourth Sunday of Lent and used to dedicate this day to Virgin Mary, the Mother
of Christ.
![Happy Mothers Day](file:///C:\Users\MRB51A~1.TUR\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image002.gif)
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